Thursday 12 March 2009

For anyone collecting hens from Sutton Bridge this weekend

These maps will enable anyone wondering how to find us if they have booked any hens from Little Hen Rescue this weekend.
We will be doing a full days rehoming in Norwich before heading back with the Sutton Bridge hens which will get back to our Sutton Bridge collection point around 7pm. The mobile 'phone we will have with us will be 07500 693 207 and we will call you as we leave Norwich.
If you haven't yet booked any hens, it may be too late for this rescue although we have more rescues planned later in the month. If you would like to book some for next time, here is the procedure;

Take a look at the website for Little Hen Rescue and read everything there is to know about homing these hens- accommodation, feed, bedding, health etc....

If you are able to provide what these ladies need and are still interested, please fill in one of the contact forms on the LHR website which will go through to Jo who runs and co ordinates each rescue.

Jo will email you back to say you are accepted onto the rehomers list and you will be told approximately when the next rescue is likely to be. Take this time from being told you are on the waiting list to make/buy your hens house, fence off any area you'd like your hens to be in and generally prepare for their arrival.

Please STATE CLEARLY from the outset that you wish to collect hens from Sutton Bridge. You will need to pay Jo in advance for hens collected from Sutton Bridge. Each hen requires a donation of £1.50 per bird but any extra is always gratefully received as the £1.50 is never enough. You can pay by cheque payable to Little Hen rescue or Paypal via the website. If you use paypal, try to include a little extra if you can because Paypal take fees from payments made thru them.

When a rescue approaches, Jo will be in touch and you will be given a date for receiving your hens. Assuming you have stated you wish to collect them from Sutton Bridge and we have your contact details, you should collect your hens promptly that evening as currently we are unable to overnight any hens that cannot be collected on the Sunday evening.
On the day of the rescue, everyone is VERY busy. Your hens will be collected from the farm and taken back to base for a general health check.

It will usually be evening time when your hens arrive in Sutton Bridge as we have a full days rehoming to do first. We will call you once we know what time we will be there and you can see from the map and tinyurl where the meeting point is.

Once you collect your hens, take them home and put them straight in their hen house and shut them in until next morning. In the morning you can let them out into their pen and ensure they drink and eat. Your hens will have had a very long shocking day. They have never seen the great outdoors or experienced freedom to even flap their wings. They've never been able to look up and see the sky or scratched in the soil.

Hopefully you will grow to love your hens like we love ours and they will reward you with a few eggs which we always think are a gesture of goodwill for saving them from the abbatoir.

If you don't want to collect your hens from Sutton Bridge and can drive to Norwich instead, you are able to pay on collection day for them.

Photobucket Photobucket
These images can be clicked twice to enlarge them. We hope they help you.




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